About Us
About BCES
Director Message
Secretary Message
Manager's Message
Director Message

Information Technology Today is recognized as frontier area of knowledge and also a critical enabling tool for assembling, processing and productivity all other shares of knowledge. India has achieved tremendous growth in this area and is now being considered as a potential I.T. super power in the world.

Brilliant Computer and Education Society, during last 13 years has been trying to think and promote I.T in the context Shekhawati and Rajasthan. We have been concerned about dissemination, utilization and development of I.T. in the Villages. While most of the other organizations were trying to focus on metropolitan cities and state capitals. BCES has been searching models and solutions for Panchayat and Block.

Start Dear Students:

On behalf of Brilliant Computer and Education Society, I welcome the students to various courses of the society. I would like to assure that the society will not leave any stone unturned in imparting knowledge and skill. Newer techniques like virtual classes, practical based on computer software etc. I earnestly hope that the society start a college under any University.

"Learning is not attained by chance;
It must be sought for
With order and attended with diligence."

With Best Wishes
Anwar Ali Parihar